
Achieve the Required Profit

With Estimating being one of the key areas of your business, it is important that estimators have a system that enables them to create accurate quotations. Detailed predicted material & labour costs and hours, along with any required sub-contract elements, allow a margin to be added to achieve the required profit and contribution to overheads.

Estimating can be a very “personal” way of working and Contract Controller keeps the estimating process close to the traditional way of working but with many added features to help speed up the process without losing any accuracy.

An Instant Overview

An Estimating dashboard gives a quick overview of the departments workload along with listing the current quotations the estimator is currently working on, or that have been assigned to them.

Quick, Accurate and Professional Quotations

Using Contract Controller enables quotations to be prepared quickly and accurately and will give the production department, details on materials and labour required, should the contract be won.

Allowing the estimator to draw from a core material library along with pre-priced library items, ensures that bill items are at the correct cost and having the correct labour rates, allowing management to apply the required markup and profit margins.

Invitation to tenders for sub-contract works are easily generated with the returned tender figures being analysed and used in the bill items accordingly.

Library items that have been created specifically for a quotation or for generic use, may be “duplicated” to a new reference code and used/amended for use in other quotations or library items.

Creating a library of standard unity, (Stud partitions per M2, door and frame sets, vision panels, counter units, etc.) allows that fast generation of detailed quotations.

When core materials or labour rates change, by amending the library all new work that used these items will have the cost adjusted accordingly, ensuring that all quotations are priced at today’s rated, even if a library item had been created years before.

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Finished quotations are presented in a clear and concise manner for your clients in documents with your company headers and footers along with clarifications, terms and conditions.

All helping to create a global overview of the enquiry/contract.

Key Estimating Features

Materials & Labour Library:
Core Library of materials & labour
Individual or global update of materials & labour
Locate materials used in quotations
Multiple suppliers & costs for one material
Pre-Priced Component Library:
Library items built from core materials & labour
Duplicate and reuse items used on previous quotations
Items always at current costs
Library items may be “nested” with other library items
Batch library items together